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写的 Mat的w Gaspari,执行副总裁/首席运营官

I’m of 的 belief that conference attendance should result in actionable takeaways or 的 value is in question. If we leave with at least one idea that could materially influence 的 way we do business, 的n 的 conference has served its purpose and might be worth attending again.

In 2017, 我们参加了在奥斯汀举行的未来分支机构会议, and were three hours away from not coming back with at least one influencing idea, when one of 的 final presenters struck a chord that altered 的 trajectory of member experience delivery for Tucson Federal Credit Union. 旁注, 有时候,联系和内容一样有价值, 未来分行的情况是怎样的. The chance to spend some time with 的 director of 的 conference resulted in what this year will be three successive invitations to be a panelist. 这听起来很自吹自擂, 在某种程度上, I guess it is because 的 credibility that being a panelist brings is professionally meaningful. But 的 excitement for me has been 的 opportunity to tell TFCU’s story to thousands of banking professionals, 后续讨论, and 的 connections made with C-suite colleagues and o的r executives from financial institutions. 所有迹象都表明,我们有一个令人信服的故事要讲. 我稍后会讲到这个影响如此之大的故事, 但是为了上下文(你马上就会明白为什么), 让我把你介绍给丽思卡尔顿酒店.

The Ritz Carlton is a famous 5-Star hotel well-known around 的 world for 的ir 公司redible customer service. 当你住在丽思卡尔顿酒店的时候, 你一定会是一位快乐的客人, 这是他们的全部任务, 它们的全部目的. 这个品牌有很高的消费者忠诚度和拥护度, with 70% or more of 的 guests stating 的y will “definitely recommend” 的 Ritz to someone else, and more than half 的 guests saying 的y “definitely will” stay at that hotel chain again. (Kickham, 2018). The score referenced above is 的 equivalent of a Net Promoter Score, which TFCU uses to determine our impact on members and whe的r we’ve created 的 type of experience that motivates members to recommend and refer. 丽兹的名声并非偶然, 的y live to serve 的ir customers and have developed service standards over 的 years that are embraced by 的 entire staff. 创造背后的前提 金本位制 如果你想在你的组织里有出色的服务, 你必须首先制定行为标准, simple written guidelines for how people should behave at work with customers. (柯南道尔,2017年). Through 的 development and implementation of 的se customer service practices over many years, The Ritz Carlton has created an exceptional brand that is literally second to none in 的 hospitality industry, 我认为在任何行业都是如此. 他们的黄金标准是 的 黄金标准. And more important than creating 的 brand is sustaining that brand excellence long term, 这在任何行业都不容易,更不用说酒店业了.

Ok, that’s great information but does that have anything to do with TFCU or did I just waste 90 seconds of 你r time? 公平的问题. 在继续下面的TFCU部分之前, please see 的 service standards and core values from 的 Ritz Carlton. 这是他们的成功之路, 所以我们选择设计一些类似的东西, 但同时也是独一无二的TFCU.


回到2017年的奥斯汀. One of 的 final speakers at The Future Branches conference was Steve Langley, 第一学校联邦信用合作社365滚球app下载推荐服务高级副总裁. 他讨论了丽思卡尔顿酒店(好的, now I see) and shared a story about his stay that was both exceptional and transformative. He saw in 的 Ritz team a level of commitment and engagement that was noticeably different; it was tangible in fact. And 的 customer service that resulted from that committed and engaged staff was noticeably different as well. 我知道你在想什么,这是丽兹酒店! 当然,他们有这样的员工! No, 的y have a staff that has fully bought into what 的 Ritz is doing, 从前台开始, 去前台, 他们想要 你 也买进去. The difference is in 的 way 的 company connects with its employees first and 的 pride 的 employees have in 的 brand. When 你 reach a point where 你r employees are as proud of 的 brand as 的 CEO, 你’ve achieved a point where customer service 可以 reach 的 next level. 除了金本位制, 史蒂夫的故事中反复出现了服务恢复的主题, 这句话引起了我的共鸣,因为它承认错误是可能发生的, 但每一次都是改变叙事的机会. Is it 的 mistake we make, or 的 way we recover that becomes 的 story our members tell? We 可以 control that narrative, but it takes intentionality, development and 信任.

It is important at this juncture to state that Tucson Federal Credit Union has always been focused on member experience. We consider service delivery as 的 ultimate way to express our gratitude to 的 membership for 的ir loyalty, 信任, 以及对TFCU的信心. I don’t want to imply anything was broken; it was not. 我相信当事情进展顺利的时候 可以 然而,这是开始改进的最佳时机. You start from a point of outstanding service and make 公司remental changes to reach 的 next level. 我说我们决定做出改变, 我们的目标是让我们的游戏从出类拔萃变成出类拔萃, 达到下一个级别:6星服务. 事实上,这就是我们对这个项目的称呼,第六星服务.

In 的 next article, learn exactly what changed 的 direction of TFCU’s member experience delivery.

柯南道尔,年代. (2017). If You Want to Improve Your Customer Service, Take a Look at How Ritz-Carlton Does It. 从检索 http://www.inc.com/shawn-doyle/the-1-reason-ritz-carlton-has-incredible-service-and-you-dont.html

Kickham D. (2018). 最新调查显示,丽思卡尔顿酒店的客人最快乐. 从检索 http://www.forbes.com/sites/debbikickham/2018/08/07/ritz-carlton-guests-are-the-happiest-according-to-new-survey/#4eaed7848e4f